Application of laser engraving technology in silicone buttons

Application of laser engraving technology in silicone buttons

Radium engraving generally refers to laser engraving.

Laser engraving processing is based on numerical control technology, and laser is the processing medium. The physical denaturation of the processed material is instantaneous melting and gasification under the irradiation of laser engraving to achieve the purpose of processing. Even if you use laser technology to write words on the object, the words carved by this technology have no nicks, the surface of the object is still smooth, and the writing will not wear.

The radium carving process is to edit the electronic file through the computer, output it in the format confirmed by the radium carving machine, and burn the surface of the product at high temperature through the radium carving machine and the way of high temperature laser rays, and finally form a graphic appearance. If we must put it in popular terms, it is equivalent to the scar left after high temperature burning, but this scar is traceable, and the graphics will be presented through computer calculation. Through the functional distinction, there are many kinds of radium carving machines, but the working principle is the same. The radium engraving machine is a plateless drawing, and because the radium engraving machine is burned at high temperature, the products carved out by the radium engraving machine are mostly to present the actual material color of the product, and there are also some radium engraving machines that can be carved black or red on the surface of the product through the principle of spectrum.

It has no contact with the surface of the material, is not affected by mechanical movement, the surface does not deform, and generally does not need to be fixed. It is not affected by the elasticity and flexibility of the material, and is convenient for the processing of soft materials. High processing precision, fast speed, wide range of applications.

Radium carving process is also widely used in silicone, such as our common radium carving buttons. Is the use of radium carving process for processing and production of key products, it is a product classification of silicone keys.

It is mainly the use of laser principle, the silicone key surface treatment of a process, many key manufacturers will use radium carving process to make key products, often used in mobile phones, electronic dictionaries, remote control, keyboard light products on the key, the use of "light" radium carving process of the key will make the key products more beautiful and natural.

It generally uses natural silica gel, that is, white translucent silica gel raw materials processed into keys. Then spray the front of the keys with black oil. Black oil radium is carved out of the place where the pattern needs to be carved on the key through the laser to form a pattern. The pattern is usually transparent.

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